

#First Post: How did I fell in love with B?

Dear Diaries, Journals, Slambooks, scrapbooks, photo albums, tapes and CDs. These were the traditional things that we use to express ourselves and save wonderful experiences. I know we missed those things and some of them never get old. But now, there's this thing that we may call as the "Journal of the 21st Century" and I will tell you how I fell in love with this just like how fell in love with our traditional journals.

Blogging has been part of my favorite hobbies since then. I remember when I was in 6th grade when I learned to create a blog site in our computer class. It was also here, in Blogger. (Tbh, I can't remember my url.) and I wasn't able to update it in a regular basis since I'm still fond of playing outside than staying inside the house, surfing the internet. But when tumblr emerged during my high school years, I started to blog again but on a weekly basis only. It was fun since on tumblr, you can "heart" those posts that you like, you can follow and connect with other people, you can repost the posts that you like and customize your blog. Then, there's Facebook (after friendster) where it's also a medium for photo, video, and text blog. Then, there's twitter. Then, Instagram (photoblog). Then, Youtube (vlog). There were a lot of social networking sites to use for blogging.  But then I realized, Blogger can actually do all those things too. I just didn't explored Blogger that much that's why I wasn't able to know that it has many features that could really make your way of blogging more interesting. That's why a couple of years ago, I started to put up my personal blog, where it appears to be a lifestyle+travel+fashion blog. I really love blogging because you can freely express yourself through it, CREATIVELY. That's why I never stop blogging. not just here in Blogger, mostly on Instagram and Twitter. 

I always love to blog that even in my research class, me and my besties decided to make a research paper about the influence of Fashion Blogging as a medium for communication and advertising. We even used blogging as our topic to talk about for a seminar that we organized for our Public Speaking class. Luckily, I was one of the speakers since my friends know how I love blogging.

I get inspirations from tons of professional bloggers especially Filipino bloggers who love blogging about fashion and their lifestyle. I really love fashion and lifestyle blogs. Like the Enciso Sisters (Vern and Verniece), Uy Sisters (Liz and Laureen), Tricia Gosingtian, Danika Navarro etc. I also read educational blogs whenever I need informations for my homeworks and projects or even just to know new ideas from blogs like one of the famous vlogs which is Ted Talks.  I even attended some seminars and expos just to meet bloggers and learn more about them since I'm a newbie in blogging. 

Well, last week. We were tasked to create an idea blog for our Media Writing class. For me, it was one of the most interesting tasks that I had/have since I really love blogging. and this task will encourage me to blog more on a weekly basis and share more about my thoughts or ideas that might help. I'm really glad to have this task. I know it's a requirement, but for me it's not just a requirement. it's a responsibility for me that I should pursue or continue to do because I am blogger and a Communication student. Nowadays, people use social media as a way to share information or to look for useful informationand blogging is really a great way to do it. That's why this task will not just be a requirement for me. I must consider it as my habit of sharing ideas to everyone. it will be a good habit tho. :) You can share your wonderful experiences that might inspire others and You can freely express your opinion that matters and our voices might be heard by anyone.

So, this how I fell in love with B. Blogging. :) And I will keep on loving it. And I know, all of you will also love it because it's free. Many social media sites are emerging and these are useful channels for blogging. Just always keep in mind the netiquettes.

Well now, I created this idea blog aside from my personal blog. I will come up with tons of stories to share to you that might be useful. I will share my reviews (music, movies and shows), opinions on certain issues, and some of my literary or art works since I'm fond of writing poems, stories and doodling. I hope all of these may help you and inspire you to express yourselves too.

PS. I'll update my blog ASAP since I have so many things to share to you guys.

~ krizmrcd 

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