

Fat? Or you mean to say Fab! Ugly? or you mean say Pretty!

Fat? Or you mean to say Fab! Ugly? or you mean say Pretty!

February 07, 2016
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Fat? Or you mean to say Fab!  Ugly? or you mean say Pretty! While I was thinking about a concept for our entry in a competition. I thought of this phrase, imagining that I’m hearing a voice from an obese/anorexic woman saying “Fat? Maybe Fab!” suddenly, I smiled when I’m thinking about it. I know a lot of

K-Drama: She Was Pretty

K-Drama: She Was Pretty

February 07, 2016
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K-Drama: She Was Pretty Image
I just finished the Korean Drama Series “She Was Pretty” a while ago and now I would like to share my insights about it because it might help some of you if you are fond of watching or you are looking for Korean dramas to watch. image from google. I found myself crying while watching the last two