

Stor-eas: Learnings

Hi guys. :) Well, if you read my previous blog post, this post is connected with that one. If you read my first ever Stor-eas, I hope you learned something from it. We might have different interpretations on the story. But now, I would like to share to you my own learnings from that story even though I wrote it.

I could relate the whole jogging experience of Kyla to our journey in our lives especially in the moment when we're afraid of standing or walking alone that's why we always find companions. But we never thought that we can actually see the beauty and the wonderful meaning of our lives if we're determine to experience the whole journey all alone without any companion because we meet some people who could add more meaning in our lives, but we will only see the true meaning of it if we only try to walk and see the world all by ourselves. Sometimes we need to face our fears especially the fear of being independent or live alone. As time goes by, we grow old and change. There are some people who will leave us, will hurt us, will change the way they treat you or to sum it up, people change. That's why we need to accept changes also especially the change that will happen to us along the journey. It's all about learning to be independent and be happy.

If I could give a title for the story, It would be: Walk Alone.

I prefer this title since it's all about Walking Alone. If we could see the deeper meaning of the title, it means being independent. Me, as a teenager, I'm eighteen and right now, my father gives me an opportunity to enjoy and live my life alone where I live alone in my dormitory, allocate my allowance that should be enough for 1 week. He even let me have my own credit card to start saving already. Those things are my starter-pack of being an independent woman. and I know, when it comes to relationship, as we grow old, we meet different people for some certain reasons. They can help us. But we must still learn to Walk Alone even though we know there are people who will help us.

So, that's my learning/insights on my Stor-eas. If you have learning and insights too, don't hesitate to comment below this blog post. Thank you guys! Stay safe,

~ kriz mercado 

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